Winner design…

First of all, I want to thank you all for voting, for the support and for the amazing response you all have been having to the blog, it has been rewarding… I’m truly thankful!!! So, the winner design is… NUMBER #1!!! With the most votes it will be the face and concept of the blog!!!


And the winner of the price, who was selected randomly, is Luisa Fernanda Castillo Alfaro, she will receive a tote from Maptote, a pair of Happy Socks, a necklace from Kay K Couture, and a notebook from Cavallini.

Thank you all again for being a part of this experience that has given me so much, I hope you like the blog and keep in touch. Every recommendation, and advice will be greatly appreciated!!!! Always remember to keep it local!!!


A time for everything…


All the things I could say about Christmas you’ve probably heard them before, and I may even sound corny; but I think this is the time to get corny and let the heart speak for itself. For me this is the time to get things right, time to give, time to forgive, time to recover, time to believe, time to remember, time to heal, time for no regrets, time to enjoy with our loved ones and let ourselves fall into the magic of this amazing day in which anything can happen. I think it is time to let us believe that somewhere, somehow this red suited and chubby man with a white beard will grant us the wish of our lives. What is left for us if not to believe, to have the imagination and innocence that we all once had and see that the world was meant to be for us to conquer it. We can still make anything happen. Also, it is time for us to be thankful for all the good things that happened to us, and for being able to spend some time with the ones we love. So given everything that I have said, this post for me, is the time to say I love you; you my love, you my friends, you my family, you my relatives, you who are reading! Thank you all for letting me open my heart, I wish you all lots of blessings and a very Merry Christmas!!!!


