The feeling of missing… just missing


Ph. by Fernanda Casillas

The hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to talk everyday.”

There are a lot of feelings that define us, that mold us, that come to our lives every once in a while, however, I think that the feeling of missing someone or even something is extremely gloomy. We miss our parents when we go on a field trip in our early age, we miss our home town when we go study abroad, we miss our loved one when we get heart broken, we miss the people who have left us, we miss our beds when we travel, we miss the place that stole our hearts, we miss ourselves when we try to be someone else. I mean, we even miss our bodies when we were young, when we were skinny. I don’t think anybody can be saved from this feeling. We all have experienced it, even for a moment when we realize that our life is not complete at all. We sometimes miss a friend for an entire day in which we want to hold her (or him) or just be by her (or his) side to listen to us. What is it that you miss the most? Who is it that you miss the most? Can you reach the people or things you miss?

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