

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”


We all have heard people say: “never settle for anything less than amazing.” And I think we all have been in that position where we are with that person who makes us feel just “meh”, but doesn’t make us feel wonderful. We can spend our entire lives with this person just because it is the right thing to do even though it doesn’t feel right. Why? Because we are too lazy or too comfortable to fight for someone either we believe we don’t deserve or for fear of hurting the other person. Why do we stand still with such implications in life? And this happens at work as well, we can have a life full of conformism instead of having a life full of happiness, joy, and fulfillments. We settle for what has been given to us. If we give up just because things run smoothly, we are not giving life a chance to surprise us with what could be an extraordinary life, with what could be our greatest achievement. I believe this is the key to success. We are free human beings that can achieve what we believe we can, so believe you can do better than what you have and believe you can be better than what you are. Do not become a prisoner of self conformity. How are you feeling this Friday? Today I am feeling disappointed for letting myself settle in many circumstances of my life that I had the power to leave.

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