This is ME…



PH by Fernanda Casillas

“We age not by years, but by stories.”

“You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” Coco Chanel

“Between childhood and adulthood there’s this instant called life.”

 That day when we most feel vulnerable, that day that melancholy fills up our entire system, that day when we realice that another year has passed and we believe we stood still because it passed incredibly fast. That day, the day you call your “birthday.” For most people is a matter of celebration, an excuse to get together, to celebrate life; for others is a reminder of age, a reminder of life, a reminder of existence; and for the rest is a day a regular day in which they get to attend a significant but irregular number of phone calls from people who care and love them. What is it for you? Is it the best day of your life, do you like attention, do you seek comfort in people when they tell you they love you? Do you celebrate your life or run from it?

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What if…


“The more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is.”

                                                                    Vladimir Nabokov

“You will always be my biggest what if.”

What if we create what we dream of. What if we conquer our fears and live the way we want to. What if our life is more wonderful than what we take for granted. What if we are living the life we weren’t meant to live. What if we let go of the things, places, and people that were supposed to change our lives for good. What if we just lost the opportunity to become more than we ever dreamt of. What if our lives will never be the same. What if we forgive who has hurt us. What if we let life surprise us. What if, what if, what if… These and many more “what if”s are the ones that make our life miserable. We get stuck in the past or we begin to live in the future without understanding that what we got right now is today! We live by dreams, just dreams, instead of making them the end of the “what if,” we constantly lack of courage to begin to live the rest of our lives. I think we create what we are afraid to do only when we have no more time or when something unexpected happens and we can’t do it anymore.

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End of Summer…



Ph by Ashley Frangie

“The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others.”

We all tend to believe that the things that happen to us, only happen to us; that when people hurt us, they do it intentionally, that everything that surrounds us is for the sake of making our life the way it is. We never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, what people do to us is the reflection of their own personal problems, their own unhappiness, their own despairs. I think that the greatest virtue we could all have is compassion, we never know what that other person was going through when they did the things that hurt us; or maybe we look for perfection in everything when mistakes happen around the corner everyday. We have to be compassionate about others, about their problems, about their life. I believe it is the greatest form of love. Compassion shows our human side, our belief that we all ride together in this enormous air balloon called world that will eventually break; even though we all have different problems and circumstances in life, we all suffer, so believe in the greater power of empathy and don’t be careless or blind to what others might be going through. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling remorse for the way I am sometimes with the people that care about me, for the times compassion wasn’t in my heart and I forgot that people might have bigger problems that I.

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That’s what he got for waking up in Vegas…


“Sometimes the only way to stay sane, is to go a little crazy.” 

From movie “Girl Interrupted”

“Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family”

¡¡¡Ya es sábado!!! Si me siguen en Instagram o en Facebook sabrán que el pasado fin de semana mi esposo y yo decidimos “renovar nuestros votos” o hacer un “remarriage” en Las Vegas. La verdad fue mucho más divertido de lo que me imaginé, hace meses reservamos la capilla de Elvis y superó nuestras expectativas. Elvis nos casó, cantó y nos hizo reír con todo lo que nos dijo. En este Feeling Friday quisiera compartirles lo que le dije a Daniel en ese día, que aunque era más de broma y de loquera que de seriedad, quise hacerle saber que mi vida no existiría sin el. Ya me puse cursi, pero al final, si leen todos los FF que hago, la cursilería es parte de mi vida. Espero les guste.

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Finding the way, your way…


Ph. by Fernanda Casillas

“It might take a day, it might take a year, but what’s meant to be will always find its way.”

“Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” Abraham Lincoln

I know these are more quotes than what I usually use for a Feeling Friday, but they all made perfect sense to what I want to write about today. There have been times in our lives when we get confused, annoyed, angry, and depressed of the things that happen and keep happening. We tend to get immerse in the bad things that occur instead of focusing on the good things, we get anxious because we believe that these will continue to happen and we have no control or way to stop them. However, I think that all those things, all the bad choices we make, all the bad things that happen put us in the right direction of our destiny.

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Localdiggz First Anniversary!!!


Ph. by Ashley Frangie

One year ago, I decided to start this journey, maybe for the love of others, for the love of places, for the love of food, for the love of inspiration, but most of all for the love of life. In the quest of trying to give you as much information as possible on this blog, I re discovered myself. I found out I was braver, stronger, and more passionate than I remembered. It has become my escape, for everything and everyone. It has become my way of letting go of things and people, but also it has become my way of meeting wonderful persons I now admire and care about. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads what I write, if someone wants to know where I’ve been, what I recommend, what “I wore.” Maybe someone does, maybe not, but at the end I believe that doing the things we love might reach unexpected things when there is no purpose at the end, when we are enjoying the ride. When we are doing what we love because we want to, we become authentic, and here is when people start looking up, when we become ourselves.

I believe that everything in life has its own purpose, we sometimes meet people randomly who become our friends in years to come, or who become a very important part of our lives; we reach circumstances in life when we remember why things happened the way they did. So maybe this blog has its own purpose, its own master mind trying to get somewhere, maybe it doesn’t, but isn’t that the wonder of life? Not knowing why we are standing here, right this moment, right this second? Embrace what you have become and let it reign you. Embrace what you have and let it own you. Embrace what destiny will give you and let it surprise you. At the end when getting old, we will know that how we feel is because we have lived, because we have had the chance, because “we have loved, danced, lived, sang, sweat, and screwed our way through a pretty damn good life. Because getting old is not bad, getting old is earned.” (From the movie The Guardian).

Anyway, even though this blog has helped me, and I hope it continues to, I hope it has helped you. I hope you can find comfort, adventure, joy and words in my writings. I hope you enjoy visiting it. If you don’t, let me know how I can change that. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling grateful, for the wonderful opportunity this blog has given me, and for letting me be part of your mind, heart, and life. Thank you my dear readers for letting me be me and still coming back!

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COCO COACH The Fall-Winter 2014/15 Campaign


Photos from the FW Ready-to-Wear Campaign by Karl Lagerfeld

Models Cara Delevingne and Binx Walton

I’m in love with this campaign from Chanel, fitness and fashion are coming together. Activewear is becoming “the modern girl’s streetwear.” (From Uri Minkoff) Women are transcending a lifestyle of being healthy into being fashionable while at it. The trend of wearing workout gear inside and out of the gym is becoming a thing, specially for this fall 2014, thanks to the popularity of sporty elements in the street style and the adding touch of sports in the runways. So wether you like sports or not, it is possible you will be wearing activewear for next season. I love this new trend designers are calling “haute casual” or “sports deluxe.” What do you think?

Estoy enamorada de la nueva campaña de Chanel, creo que lo “fitness” y la moda se están mezclando de una forma muy peculiar pero muy interesante. La ropa deportiva se está volviendo el día a día de la mujer moderna, incluso para ir al trabajo. Creo que la mujer está transcendiendo en un estilo de vida saludable sin dejar de ser fashionista. Esta nueva tendencia de vestir ropa deportiva dentro y fuera del gimnasio está creciendo gracias a la popularidad de los toques “sport” en el street style y los elementos deportivos ahora vistos en las pasarelas. Así que, aunque no hagan ejercicio, probablemente vestirán ropa deportiva en algún momento durante la siguiente temporada. Me encanta esta nueva tendencia. ¿Ustedes qué opinan?
chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-05 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-08 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-09 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-01 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-02 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-03 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-11 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-12 chanel-fall-winter-campaign-2014-15-13For more information you can read this article called: “Why Fitness Is Having a Moment in Fashion.”

Selfishness, good or bad?

image“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, is asking others to live the way we want them to live.”
Oscar Wilde

I’ve heard many things about selfishness, some people say it is necessary, some say people who act selfish live longer, and others believe that being selfish is the perfect way to end a relationship with life, with love, with friendship. What do you believe? Is it possible to live your life without thinking about others? Do we need to be selfish to have a better and happier life? I believe we are all selfish by nature, we tend to think about our problems, our happiness, our regrets, our comforts first and then we focus on others. We do the things we do because it is what’s best for us, not because it is best for everyone else. All of the things we do have a selfish thought behind them. However, I do not believe that acting selfish is what will make us happier; yes, it will probably make us live longer. But what kind of life are we destined to live if everything we do, we do it just for us? We would be completely alone.

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