We Wait… And We Wait


“Hope but never expect, move forward but never wait.” 

“How foolish is a man! He ruins the present while worrying about the future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past.” Ali Ibn Abi Talib

We live, we struggle, we fight, we cry, we encounter, we race, we rush, and sometimes, most of the times: we just wait… We wait for tomorrow in despair of hoping for better circumstances, for better places, for better timing. We wait for the future so that it can repair our past, so it can affect our present. We wait for life to come up with better and greater ideas about our destiny, we wait for that perfect moment that will change our lives. It’s like when we take a picture, we take several of them so that one, only one, will turn out perfect so we can share it with the world, and then what? Who will be happy with this “perfect” picture, you? me? the people who see it? or even nobody? because maybe that “perfect” picture is no longer perfect afterwards. I don’t know if I’m making sense, probably I am not, but we don’t realice that all the other pictures are better than the “perfect” one, because they show exactly who we are, they don’t show our “fake” pose.

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Finding the way, your way…


Ph. by Fernanda Casillas

“It might take a day, it might take a year, but what’s meant to be will always find its way.”

“Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.”

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” Abraham Lincoln

I know these are more quotes than what I usually use for a Feeling Friday, but they all made perfect sense to what I want to write about today. There have been times in our lives when we get confused, annoyed, angry, and depressed of the things that happen and keep happening. We tend to get immerse in the bad things that occur instead of focusing on the good things, we get anxious because we believe that these will continue to happen and we have no control or way to stop them. However, I think that all those things, all the bad choices we make, all the bad things that happen put us in the right direction of our destiny.

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Yellow in Klyde Warren Park

KLYDE WARREN PARK“El que puede cambiar sus pensamientos, puede cambiar su destino.”
A veces, en momentos de soledad y de lejanía, me pongo a pensar lo que he hecho y lo que ha sido de mi vida hasta ahora, y en ocasiones me da alegría y en ocasiones decepción. Y no me lo tomen a mal, amo mi vida y amo lo que soy y lo que hago con ella, simplemente hay momentos en los que me siento frustrada por no encontrar mi camino o más bien me siento perdida. No se si a ustedes les ha pasado pero es un sentimiento muy deprimente y muy negativo, no es tan bueno dejarnos vencer por este tipo de pensamientos que hacen cuestionarnos a nosotros mismos de esa manera. Por esto creo que si es cierto lo que dicen, si cambiamos nuestro pensar podemos cambiar nuestro azar. Como se sienten este viernes? Yo hoy me siento determinada a cambiarlos o al menos a no dejarlos entrar a mi cabeza, porque mi destino puede ser tan extraordinario y tan impresionante como yo quiera. Y también me siento feliz porque gano Mexico el primer partido.

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