We Wait… And We Wait


“Hope but never expect, move forward but never wait.” 

“How foolish is a man! He ruins the present while worrying about the future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past.” Ali Ibn Abi Talib

We live, we struggle, we fight, we cry, we encounter, we race, we rush, and sometimes, most of the times: we just wait… We wait for tomorrow in despair of hoping for better circumstances, for better places, for better timing. We wait for the future so that it can repair our past, so it can affect our present. We wait for life to come up with better and greater ideas about our destiny, we wait for that perfect moment that will change our lives. It’s like when we take a picture, we take several of them so that one, only one, will turn out perfect so we can share it with the world, and then what? Who will be happy with this “perfect” picture, you? me? the people who see it? or even nobody? because maybe that “perfect” picture is no longer perfect afterwards. I don’t know if I’m making sense, probably I am not, but we don’t realice that all the other pictures are better than the “perfect” one, because they show exactly who we are, they don’t show our “fake” pose.

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Localdiggz First Anniversary!!!


Ph. by Ashley Frangie

One year ago, I decided to start this journey, maybe for the love of others, for the love of places, for the love of food, for the love of inspiration, but most of all for the love of life. In the quest of trying to give you as much information as possible on this blog, I re discovered myself. I found out I was braver, stronger, and more passionate than I remembered. It has become my escape, for everything and everyone. It has become my way of letting go of things and people, but also it has become my way of meeting wonderful persons I now admire and care about. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads what I write, if someone wants to know where I’ve been, what I recommend, what “I wore.” Maybe someone does, maybe not, but at the end I believe that doing the things we love might reach unexpected things when there is no purpose at the end, when we are enjoying the ride. When we are doing what we love because we want to, we become authentic, and here is when people start looking up, when we become ourselves.

I believe that everything in life has its own purpose, we sometimes meet people randomly who become our friends in years to come, or who become a very important part of our lives; we reach circumstances in life when we remember why things happened the way they did. So maybe this blog has its own purpose, its own master mind trying to get somewhere, maybe it doesn’t, but isn’t that the wonder of life? Not knowing why we are standing here, right this moment, right this second? Embrace what you have become and let it reign you. Embrace what you have and let it own you. Embrace what destiny will give you and let it surprise you. At the end when getting old, we will know that how we feel is because we have lived, because we have had the chance, because “we have loved, danced, lived, sang, sweat, and screwed our way through a pretty damn good life. Because getting old is not bad, getting old is earned.” (From the movie The Guardian).

Anyway, even though this blog has helped me, and I hope it continues to, I hope it has helped you. I hope you can find comfort, adventure, joy and words in my writings. I hope you enjoy visiting it. If you don’t, let me know how I can change that. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling grateful, for the wonderful opportunity this blog has given me, and for letting me be part of your mind, heart, and life. Thank you my dear readers for letting me be me and still coming back!

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In the name of love…


The other day I was taking a glimpse at my past, just in the beginning of my relationship with Daniel. I was so scared of love that I was not wiling to do anything to let it harm me, so basically Daniel had to give up certain beliefs in relationships just to let me trust love again. In a way, I feel like I changed him, but also looking back, I changed myself. This made me think: What are you willing to do in the name of love? Love for a man, love for a woman, love for your family, love for a pet, love even for yourself. Would you sacrifice who you are? Would you give up your dreams? Would you change your habits, your beliefs, your thoughts? What would you do to be with the one you love? Do you think you would give yourself up just for taking the risk at falling in love? How far would you go to find love? I think most people would give up everything just for being with the one they love, or at least when it is true love, even if they won’t admit it. When you find love sometimes you lose yourself up to be better for the person you want to be with. You get lost in a place where the only thing that matters is feeling alive, because all else is just vanity; every other feeling doesn’t matter as long as you feel loved. So maybe you don’t know if you would trade everything for love, maybe you want to but don’t know how, or maybe you want to but it just scares the hell out of you. I think that what you would be wiling to do in the name of love is proportional to the kind of love you deserve, people who give more receive more. So take the chance, be brave enough to do whatever it takes to find that love that will make you do what you’ve never thought of doing. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling lucky to say that this kind of love has already found me and I have no regrets.

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What screws us up…


“What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.”

We grow up believing that life will bring us closer to magic, that our dreams will come true just by believing in ourselves. When tend to imagine a life full of wonderful things, a husband at the age of 25, the first child at 28, the dream house after 7 years of marriage when money is not a bigger issue; or the perfect job at the age of 33 and on the run of becoming CEO for the always studied company. We imagine all these things because we want what we think we deserve, we want what our parents and our teachers inspired us to have. We want the greatest life of all. But then, we reach the age when we realize that everything we wanted is not even close, that our life is not what we expected it to be, which is what screws us up. Here is where we stop and think that everything was bullshit, that everything we wanted is not happening. We get immerse in this negativity that doesn’t let us appreciate our life right now. So we have to be positive because we can’t change what happened but we can change what will happen. 

 Is your life how you pictured it? Do you have what you dreamed of? Are you the person you always wanted to be? Are you with the person you always dreamed of being? 

As for myself, my life is not what I expected or what I dreamed when I was little. My plans did not happen just the way I wanted to them to. However, life surprised me with a better deal. Destiny played me with a much better bet on myself. I have what I never dreamed of, I have a happy and fulfilling life, I have an ordinary extraordinary life. And every day I get to be inspired by the people I am surrounded by. I guess that’s what my propose in life is, to support my loved ones and enjoy life every day at a time. Thank you Daniel for your inspiration in living a positive life. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, maybe I will feel positive.
DSC_0636 CSC_0897 DSC_0699“Lo que más nos friega en la vida es la imagen en nuestra mente de cómo se suponía que debía ser.”

Toda nuestra infancia crecemos creyendo en la magia, creyendo que nuestros sueños se pueden lograr simplemente deseándolos. Nos imaginamos una vida llena de cosas increíbles, estar casados a los 25, tener el primer hijo a los 28 y después de 7 años de matrimonio tener la casa de nuestros sueños porque el dinero ya no es un problema mayor; o soñamos con el trabajo perfecto a los 33 y en camino hacia convertirnos en CEO’s de la empresa que toda la vida hemos deseado. Imaginamos todas estas cosas porque creemos que es lo que nos merecemos, porque nuestros padres y nuestros maestros nos impulsaron a tenerlo todo en la vida. Pero qué pasa cuando nos damos cuenta que ya tenemos 30 y nada de lo que imaginamos ha llegado, que todo lo que creíamos pasaría no ha sucedido. Aquí es cuando nos sumergimos en una negatividad terrible que hace que no apreciemos lo que tenemos en este momento. Esto es lo que nos friega la vida, no tener el futuro que nos imaginamos. No tener la vida que siempre soñamos. ¿Ustedes tienen la vida que siempre quisieron? ¿Están haciendo lo que siempre soñaron hacer? ¿Están con la persona que siempre desearon? ¿Qué ha pasado con su vida?

Yo les puedo decir que mi vida no sucedió como yo quería, que mis planes no funcionaron como los diseñé. Pero la vida me sorprendió de una mejor manera, el destino apostó a una vida mucho más increíble de lo que yo imaginé. Ahora tengo una vida ordinariamente extraordinaria. Estoy rodeada de gente que me inspira todos lo días y probablemente ese sea mi motivo de vida. Así que, aunque no tengan lo que siempre quisieron, la vida los puede sorprender con algo mucho más grande de lo que ustedes alguna vez imaginaron. Gracias Daniel por darme una inspiración más positiva hacia la vida todos los días. ¿Cómo se sienten este viernes? Yo hoy probablemente un poco más positiva.


The most dangerous risk of all…


 Ph. by Fernanda Casillas

“The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.”


There is a TV commercial about a store that uses the phrase “find what speaks to you,” and I know there’s no comparison to what I’m about to write here in this post, but I find that phrase rather motivating. We go through life doing what we have to that we forget what we want to, people spend their entire lives working so there can be a time when they live the life they’ve always wanted. But, what happens if that time never arrives? We keep waiting for a moment to live and do what we love, so “finding what speaks to us” is a way of searching for things to do that makes us happy. I know we have to work, and we have to do things we don’t like, but that is no reason for us to be miserable. And I can`t tell you to find your passion, I think that is really confusing from time to time because we can also spent our entire lives trying to find our passion and feel frustrated if we don’t; and maybe when we find it we discover that either it wasn’t our passion at all or it wasn’t as we expected it to be. So as Thomas Merton once said: “find meaning in an imperfect moment,” and everyday do the things that make you happy, live you life one day at a time and enjoy it because it can be as extraordinary as you want it to be, stop waiting to for your passion to arrive!!! How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling less negative and more positive towards the idea of living my life jus the way I want to right now!

These photos were taken at a local restaurant in Monterrey, Nuevo León in Mexico. It is a Mexican food restaurant called Gallo 71, the food is really good and the drinks are amazing, it is a little bit expensive though. I totally recommend trying the artichokes as an appetizer, the tuna tartar is also delicious and the must try is the pistachio cake, it will amaze you. Always make reservations in advance, and if the weather is nice I recommend a table in the terrace. Thank you for reading!!!

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“El riesgo más peligroso de todos – El riesgo de pasar toda tu vida sin hacer lo que te gusta, apostando que puedes comprarte la libertad de hacerlo después.”


Hay un comercial de TV de una tienda para decoración de casa que usa una frase que dice “encuentra aquello que te habla,” y yo sé que no tiene ninguna comparación con lo que voy a escribir en este post pero la verdad la frase me parece muy motivadora. Pasamos nuestra vida entera haciendo lo que tenemos que hacer que nos olvidamos de lo que nos gusta hacer, muchas personas pasan su vida entera trabajando para que algún día puedan vivir la vida que siempre soñaron. Pero, ¿qué pasa si ese día nunca llega? Siempre esperamos el momento en que podamos vivir y hacer lo que nos gusta, así que “encontrar lo que nos habla” creo que es una forma de buscar las cosas que nos hacen felices. Yo sé que tenemos que trabajar, que siempre va a haber cosas que no nos gusten hacer y que tenemos que hacerlas, pero eso no quiere decir que tenemos que ser miserables por el resto de nuestras vidas. Y tampoco les puedo decir que encuentren su pasión y que todo se resolverá mágicamente porque no es cierto, encontrar nuestra pasión puede llegar a ser muy confuso y complicado; que pasa si nunca la encontramos, entonces viviremos frustrados toda la vida, o que pasa si al encontrarla descubrimos que no era lo que esperábamos o simplemente no era nuestra pasión. Así que, como Thomas Merton dijo una vez: “encontremos significado en un momento imperfecto,” vivíamos día a día haciendo cosas que nos gusten, un día a la vez y disfrutémosla al máximo, porque su vida puede ser tan extraordinaria como ustedes quieran. Denle valor a todo lo que hacen y denle recompensa también, vivan inmensamente sin remordimientos y dejen de esperar a que su pasión entre por la puerta. ¿Cómo se sienten este viernes? Yo hoy me siento más positiva hacia la idea de vivir mi vida justo como yo quiero vivirla!!

Estas fotos fueron tomadas en un restaurante en Monterrey, Nuevo León. El restaurante se llama Gallo 71, es de los mismos de la cantina La Nacional, y se especializa en comida mexicana. La comida es deliciosa y las bebidas están buenísimas. Les recomiendo probar las alcachofas de entrada, el tartar de atún también es muy rico y lo que vale la pena probar es el pastel de pistacho. Si quieren ir tienen que hacer reservación porque casi siempre se llena mucho y yo les sugiero una mesa en la terraza si el clima lo permite. !Muchas gracias por leer!




5 years of Fairytale…


“Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives us a FAIRYTALE…”

Sometime between the madness, between the storm, between the wonderland of our imagination and world, there will be a chance to face up to an adventure that will change your life, your mind, and your heart. I’ve talked about love many times in this blog, but today it’s our 5th year anniversary and I can only write about one thing that most of us tend to be scared off: marriage. I’m no expert, but I can speak from my experience. For me, it’s like a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, unexpected turns, changes of speed, fascinating sensations of inertia, moments of dizziness where you just want to come down, but you keep going because you know the feeling will pass; and at the end you will want to ride it all over again, I just want to ride it with the same person every time. I will not get cheesy, I know I am, specially on this date; but I will tell you that being married has given me the best years of my life, I am grateful that I’ve found love in my best friend, or my best friend in love, don’t remember which came out first, I’m just grateful that it did. A good friend once told me that good things come to your life when you marry the person you love, well it certainly surprised me, the best things had happened; I can call it a blessing or even luck, but Daniel you have given my life something to look forward every day: the chance to feel alive.

I married the person I’ve dreamed to marry my whole life, don’t know if there is any secret to happiness in marriage, and I don’t know if it will get better with age, what I do know is that I will do it again every time, in every life: I choose us. I believe that those who are meant to be, will conquer the world to be together, “you don’t have to understand, you just have to have faith…” How are you feeling this Friday? Today I am feeling Serendipitous, cause maybe we found each other by chance or by accident, but it was a fortunate discovery. Happy Anniversary my love, you will always be my forever.

15941_220412461016_3006814_n15941_220424686016_6167434_n15941_220435861016_2840599_n“De vez en cuando, justo en medio de una vida ordinaria, el amor nos sorprende con un cuento de hadas.”

Cuando menos lo esperen, en medio de alguna tormenta, en medio de la locura, o en medio de nuestro mundo, habrá una oportunidad para que se aventuren a dejar que su vida y su corazón cambien por completo. He hablado de amor muchas veces en este blog, pero nunca he hablado de un tema que muchos temen (que yo temía y creo aún temo): el matrimonio. No soy una experta y probablemente no sé mucho o nada, pero hablaré de mi experiencia en estos cinco años que llevamos de casados. Para mi, el matrimonio es como una montaña rusa, tiene subidas y bajadas, giros inesperados, sentimientos encontrados en muchas partes del recorrido, distintas velocidades, algunas veces te quieres bajar pero cuando acabe el día querrán repetirlo, simplemente yo lo repetiría con la misma persona todos los días.

No me pondré de cursi, porque sé que lo soy, especialmente en este día, pero si les diré que estar casada me ha dado la felicidad más grande de mi vida. Estoy muy agradecida por haber encontrado a mi mejor amigo en el amor, o al amor en mi mejor amigo, no recuerdo qué llego primero, pero simplemente me encanta que haya llegado. Un buen amigo me dijo una vez que, cuando te casas cosas buenas vienen a tu vida, déjenme decirles que realmente me sorprendió, cosas muy buenas llegaron desde el día que me casé; compartir mi vida contigo, Daniel, ha sido el regalo más grande que la vida o el destino me han dado. No sé si llamarlo suerte o bendición, pero sé que me regalas la ilusión de vivir todos los días. Te volvería a escoger siempre.

Estoy convencida que me casé con el hombre que toda la vida soñé (se oye muy cliche pero es verdad!!) y no sé si haya algún secreto para la felicidad en el matrimonio, o si se ponga mejor con el tiempo, pero si sé que lo volvería a hacer con los ojos cerrados. Yo creo que aquellos que están destinados a estar juntos, lo estarán sin importar distancia, tiempo, o circunstancia y pues si, lo más difícil es coincidir, pero una vez que pasa no l@ dejen ir!!!! “No tienen que entenderlo, sólo tienen que tener fe…” ¿Cómo se sienten este viernes? Yo me siento en una serendipia…porque tal vez nos encontramos por accidente o por casualidad pero fue un descubrimiento muy afortunado. Feliz Aniversario, amor mío, siempre serás “mi toda la vida.”

Moment or Memory


“Sometimes you will never know 

the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

                                                                      Dr. Seuss

“Algunas veces no sabrás el valor de un momento, hasta que se vuelve memorable.”

Dr. Seuss

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Time is catching up…

For the last couple of weeks I have been feeling that time is catching up on me, many of my friends are turning 30 this year, some others are expecting a child, my sister is having another beautiful girl (don’t know her yet, but I’m positively sure she’s going to rock my world), and some things happening in my life are signs that life does not wait for anyone or anything. How many times do we feel bored, tired, or simply meh about our lives? I think we all have felt it at some point, and that is because we are standing in our comfort zone, we’ve just been there for a long time and it starts to get boring, there is nothing excited or motivating happening around for us to feel the rush. Talking to one of my closest friends, who btw is always an inspiration to this blog, we were discussing how our life can pass by without becoming someone great, someone amazing, someone people might look after. What will be our gift to the world? What legacy are we leaving behind? Sometimes we just wait for something extraordinary to happen and be that the opportunity we were seeking all our life. But, what if it never arrives? We can’t be waiting for life to happen, it is happening right now, and I think that what makes us great and astounding is how we get to people not how many we get to. How are you feeling this Friday? I feel like taking risks…






No se si les ha pasado, pero durante las últimas semanas, he sentido como si se me fuera el tiempo; muchos de mis amigos cumplen 30 este año, otros ya tienen bebés, otros tantos están esperando, mi hermana pronto tendrá su segunda niña (aún no la conozco, pero estoy segura que me va a volver loca de alegría!!) y muchas otras cosas que están pasando en mi vida que me hacen darme cuenta de que la vida no espera a nadie. Cuántas veces nos sentimos como que aburridos, sin ganas de hacer nada, sin motivaciones? Yo creo que es porque estamos en una zona de confort, donde estamos seguros, lo cual no tiene nada de malo, pero llega un momento en que estamos ahí tanto tiempo que perdemos la emoción de la vida. El otro día, con una de mis amigas mas cercanas, la cual siempre es una inspiración para el blog, estábamos platicando de como la vida se nos va y no hacemos nada por volvernos extraordinarias personas, alguien que la gente aspire a ser, alguien con grandes logros y hallazgos que hagan de este mundo un mundo mejor. Cuál será nuestro legado? Qué le vamos a dejar al mundo, a nuestro hijos? Muchas veces esperamos que algo bueno y maravilloso llegue a nuestras vidas y que sea la oportunidad que hemos estado esperando, pero que pasa si nunca llega… No podemos esperar a que la vida pase, la vida está ocurriendo ahorita, y creo que lo que nos hace grandes es cómo llegamos a las personas, no a cuántas llegamos… Cómo se sienten este viernes? Yo hoy, tengo ganas de tomar el riesgo de vivir…

I was wearing H&M sweatshirt