Rainy days…



“You can’t have a rainbow without the rain.”

“Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness has never danced in the rain.”

Even the rainy days should be part of our majestic plan of life. Because whatever happens, just remember that it never rains forever… How are you feeling this Friday? Today I am feeling grateful for all the rainy days and rainy moments that gave me my own rainbows in life.

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End of Summer…



Ph by Ashley Frangie

“The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others.”

We all tend to believe that the things that happen to us, only happen to us; that when people hurt us, they do it intentionally, that everything that surrounds us is for the sake of making our life the way it is. We never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, what people do to us is the reflection of their own personal problems, their own unhappiness, their own despairs. I think that the greatest virtue we could all have is compassion, we never know what that other person was going through when they did the things that hurt us; or maybe we look for perfection in everything when mistakes happen around the corner everyday. We have to be compassionate about others, about their problems, about their life. I believe it is the greatest form of love. Compassion shows our human side, our belief that we all ride together in this enormous air balloon called world that will eventually break; even though we all have different problems and circumstances in life, we all suffer, so believe in the greater power of empathy and don’t be careless or blind to what others might be going through. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling remorse for the way I am sometimes with the people that care about me, for the times compassion wasn’t in my heart and I forgot that people might have bigger problems that I.

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That’s what he got for waking up in Vegas…


“Sometimes the only way to stay sane, is to go a little crazy.” 

From movie “Girl Interrupted”

“Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family”

¡¡¡Ya es sábado!!! Si me siguen en Instagram o en Facebook sabrán que el pasado fin de semana mi esposo y yo decidimos “renovar nuestros votos” o hacer un “remarriage” en Las Vegas. La verdad fue mucho más divertido de lo que me imaginé, hace meses reservamos la capilla de Elvis y superó nuestras expectativas. Elvis nos casó, cantó y nos hizo reír con todo lo que nos dijo. En este Feeling Friday quisiera compartirles lo que le dije a Daniel en ese día, que aunque era más de broma y de loquera que de seriedad, quise hacerle saber que mi vida no existiría sin el. Ya me puse cursi, pero al final, si leen todos los FF que hago, la cursilería es parte de mi vida. Espero les guste.

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Localdiggz First Anniversary!!!


Ph. by Ashley Frangie

One year ago, I decided to start this journey, maybe for the love of others, for the love of places, for the love of food, for the love of inspiration, but most of all for the love of life. In the quest of trying to give you as much information as possible on this blog, I re discovered myself. I found out I was braver, stronger, and more passionate than I remembered. It has become my escape, for everything and everyone. It has become my way of letting go of things and people, but also it has become my way of meeting wonderful persons I now admire and care about. Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads what I write, if someone wants to know where I’ve been, what I recommend, what “I wore.” Maybe someone does, maybe not, but at the end I believe that doing the things we love might reach unexpected things when there is no purpose at the end, when we are enjoying the ride. When we are doing what we love because we want to, we become authentic, and here is when people start looking up, when we become ourselves.

I believe that everything in life has its own purpose, we sometimes meet people randomly who become our friends in years to come, or who become a very important part of our lives; we reach circumstances in life when we remember why things happened the way they did. So maybe this blog has its own purpose, its own master mind trying to get somewhere, maybe it doesn’t, but isn’t that the wonder of life? Not knowing why we are standing here, right this moment, right this second? Embrace what you have become and let it reign you. Embrace what you have and let it own you. Embrace what destiny will give you and let it surprise you. At the end when getting old, we will know that how we feel is because we have lived, because we have had the chance, because “we have loved, danced, lived, sang, sweat, and screwed our way through a pretty damn good life. Because getting old is not bad, getting old is earned.” (From the movie The Guardian).

Anyway, even though this blog has helped me, and I hope it continues to, I hope it has helped you. I hope you can find comfort, adventure, joy and words in my writings. I hope you enjoy visiting it. If you don’t, let me know how I can change that. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling grateful, for the wonderful opportunity this blog has given me, and for letting me be part of your mind, heart, and life. Thank you my dear readers for letting me be me and still coming back!

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In the name of love…


The other day I was taking a glimpse at my past, just in the beginning of my relationship with Daniel. I was so scared of love that I was not wiling to do anything to let it harm me, so basically Daniel had to give up certain beliefs in relationships just to let me trust love again. In a way, I feel like I changed him, but also looking back, I changed myself. This made me think: What are you willing to do in the name of love? Love for a man, love for a woman, love for your family, love for a pet, love even for yourself. Would you sacrifice who you are? Would you give up your dreams? Would you change your habits, your beliefs, your thoughts? What would you do to be with the one you love? Do you think you would give yourself up just for taking the risk at falling in love? How far would you go to find love? I think most people would give up everything just for being with the one they love, or at least when it is true love, even if they won’t admit it. When you find love sometimes you lose yourself up to be better for the person you want to be with. You get lost in a place where the only thing that matters is feeling alive, because all else is just vanity; every other feeling doesn’t matter as long as you feel loved. So maybe you don’t know if you would trade everything for love, maybe you want to but don’t know how, or maybe you want to but it just scares the hell out of you. I think that what you would be wiling to do in the name of love is proportional to the kind of love you deserve, people who give more receive more. So take the chance, be brave enough to do whatever it takes to find that love that will make you do what you’ve never thought of doing. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling lucky to say that this kind of love has already found me and I have no regrets.

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Swap and Flea at The Gypsy Wagon


This weekend I went to a local store here in Dallas called The Gypsy Wagon located in Henderson Avenue in Uptown, and they were hosting a flea market which they call “Swap and Flea.” The store is amazing, kind of quirky and funky, it really is a unique place with lots of original and one of a kind things to find. It sells everything, from clothing, shoes, accessories, things for home decoration, to excellent gifts, all specially and carefully selected by the owner Carley Seale. The clothing selection is kind of gypsy, or hipster, and what I liked about the store is that almost all of the things that they sell are handmade by artisans, with sustainable materials. For me it is a store really true to its idea and concept, everything that you find in here is absolutely wonderful!!

The flea market was great, there were at least 10 or more local vendors with really cool and interesting “junk” to offer. And I mean “junk” not in the bad way but in the “reusable, old” kind of way, because all of the things that they were selling were really good!! Great for cool hunting! My favorite thing that I found on the flea market was the Photo Wagon, a mobile photo booth. I have never seen anything like it, as the name resembles it is a vintage wagon where you can take up to 4 photos playing dress up with all the cool things they have in there. It is fun, original, unique, and you can rent it for events or personal use. If you come to Dallas, this store is really a must visit for women and, it is located in a hot spot surrounded by great local restaurants and bars.

DSC_0995 DSC_0996 DSC_0997 DSC_0998 DSC_1004 DSC_1005 DSC_1006 DSC_1007 DSC_1009 DSC_1010 DSC_1011 DSC_1019 DSC_1024Este fin de semana fui a una tienda aquí en Dallas que se llama “The Gypsy Wagon.” La tienda esta súper padre, muy funky y rara pero muy cool. Es una tienda que vende de todo, pueden encontrar desde ropa, accesorios, zapatos hasta cosas para la casa, para decoración, para regalar; todas seleccionadas especialmente por la dueña Carley Seale. Lo que me gusto mucho de la tienda es que la mayoría de las cosas que venden son hechas a mano por artesanos que utilizan materiales reciclables o sustentables. Realmente pueden encontrar cosas muy padres y únicas en esta tienda, además está muy bien organizada y muy bonita, aunque no compren nada vale la pena visitarla. Se me hizo una tienda muy apegada a su concepto e idea, muy hispter y trendy.

Justo el domingo que fui, la tienda organizó un mercado de “pulga” o “flea market” como le llamamos. Había como 10 vendedores con muchas cosas vintages y muchas otras muy interesantes y a precios muy buenos. También había un food truck que servía sandwiches de jamón de pavo, pastrami, salami, etc, muy ricos!! Una de las cosas que más me gustó del mercado fue un booth de fotos mobil, (Photowagon) un vagón vintage que toma hasta 4 fotos instantáneas en el que se pueden disfrazar y poner todos los accesorios locos que hay adentro. Nunca había visto algo así, el concepto está muy padre y muy original y lo pueden rentar para eventos espaciales o para uso personal.

Si visitan Dallas, les recomiendo ir a esta tienda, van a encontrar cosas muy interesantes y únicas; además esta ubicada en Henderson Ave que es una zona padrísima con muchos restaurantes alrededor. ¡Espero les guste!


Snider Plaza

20140422-121914.jpg So I’m still in Dallas with my sister and I’m in the look out for hot spots to visit. I know Dallas doesn’t sound like THE place to visit just for fun, but I think it does have a lot of good things to offer. It is so warm, people are really nice, and it has its own charm, for me it is the best city in Texas. One spot I completely recommend is Snider Plaza, an excellent family shopping center that has a lot of local stores to shop around, restaurants, and fitness boutique studios like Beyond Pedaling and Pilates Barre. My favorite store was Christina M Boutique, it has a lot of good stuff with reasonable prices, from shoes to accessories. I already tried both of the fitness studios and I completely recommend both of them, the spinning classes are fun, exciting, and motivating and the Pilates classes are so out of the ordinary and challenging. If you come to Dallas, this is definitely one of the spots to visit. Thank you for reading!!!!20140422-121929.jpg 20140422-121949.jpg 20140422-122008.jpgHola!!! Sigo en Dallas con mi hermana y mientras se recupera yo sigo buscando diferentes lugares para visitar. Yo sé que muchos piensan que Dallas no es un destino padre para venir de vacaciones, pero la verdad es que tiene muchísimas cosas que ofrecer y muchos lugares para hacer shopping y comer delicioso. Uno de ellos es Snider Plaza, es un centro comercial abierto, tipo parque, muy familiar con muchas tiendas locales, restaurantes y estudios boutique para hacer ejercicio. Una tienda muy padre que pueden encontrar ahí se llama Christina M Boutique, tiene de todo la verdad, desde zapatos hasta accesorios padrísimos y a precios muy accesibles. También tomé clases en los estudios de fitness, uno se llama Beyond Pedaling es un lugar para hacer spinning con diferentes ejercicios que son muy divertidos y motivadores. El otro estudio (The Pilates Barre) es un lugar para hacer Pilates en cama, pero no es la cama que ya conocen, es muy distinta y mucho más padre, los ejercicios requieren de más esfuerzo. Así que ya saben, la próxima vez que vayan Dallas, Snider Plaza es un lugar que definitivamente vale la pena visitar. ¡¡¡Gracias por leer!!!!

Redo in life?



Ph. by Alfonso Ramza

What would you do if you were given a redo in life? Would you have a chosen a different path? Would have studied something else? Would you have given up your career for love, family? Would you have fought for your dreams in a different way? Would you have given your heart later in your life? Would you have laughed more, travel more, loved more? What would you do if you got to do it all over again?… I think these are questions we ask ourselves all the time, what would’ve happen if I have done things differently? As I’ve told you before, I do not have regrets. I’ve made mistakes and I haven’t finished making them as I want to believe my life has a long way to go; but, I think that the only thing I would have changed is that I would’ve looked at things from a different perspective.

Every situation in life has different sides that help us understand why things happen the way they do, we get so immerse in our problems that we don’t realice that sometimes it is easier to solve them by looking at them from another point of view. I think my life would’ve been less complicated if I have opened my mind. Seeing things from a vantage point will help us understand others as well, we judge people so hard until life puts us on their shoes; and this is when we realice that compassion IS the other side of the situation. Try to feel what others feel and look at them through their eyes, see the good side every person has to offer, be kind-hearted, because when you do, they will stay with you forever. How are you feeling this Friday? Today, I am feeling terrible for those times I judged without seeing things from another perspective.

¿Qué harían si les dijeran que pueden rehacer su vida? ¿Escogerían una vida distinta? ¿Escogerían otra carrera? ¿Amarían más tarde o más temprano en sus vidas? ¿Dejarían su carrera por amor? ¿Qué es lo que harían diferente? Yo creo que estas son preguntas que con frecuencia nos hacemos, el “qué hubiera pasado” es un sentimiento muy presente en nuestra vida, y esto es porque siempre creemos que pudimos haberlo hecho mejor. O al menos eso creo yo. Como les he dicho antes, yo creo que no cambiaría nada, lo único que haría diferente es que me hubiera gustado haber visto las cosas desde otra perspectiva. Todos los problemas a los que la vida nos ha enfrenado han tenido distintos lados, distintas maneras de resolverse, sin embargo muchas veces no nos damos cuenta y nos ahogamos en una vaso de agua tratando de resolverlos de la manera más complicada, complicándonos más la vida. Yo creo que si tratamos de abrir nuestra mente y ver que cada historia, cada situación, cada vida tiene dos o más lados, podríamos ser más felices y dejarnos de preguntar el “qué hubiera pasado,” porque muchas veces esa pregunta nos hace dudar de nuestra felicidad actual y de nuestra vida misma.

Al tratar de abrir nuestra mente y ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva, también nos va a ayudar a entender más a los demás. La mayoría de las veces juzgamos a las personas sin ponernos en sus zapatos, hasta que la vida nos pone en la misma situación y entonces es cuando entendemos por lo que pasaron. Yo creo que la vida tiene la capacidad de hacernos ver que el ser compasivos y bondadosos es la forma más fácil de encontrar la felicidad con las personas que nos rodean. Cuando amamos sin obstáculos las personas abren su corazón a la vida, al amor y a la felicidad. ¿Cómo se sienten este viernes? Yo me siento terrible por las veces que juzgué sin ver las cosas de otra manera.