This is ME…



PH by Fernanda Casillas

“We age not by years, but by stories.”

“You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” Coco Chanel

“Between childhood and adulthood there’s this instant called life.”

 That day when we most feel vulnerable, that day that melancholy fills up our entire system, that day when we realice that another year has passed and we believe we stood still because it passed incredibly fast. That day, the day you call your “birthday.” For most people is a matter of celebration, an excuse to get together, to celebrate life; for others is a reminder of age, a reminder of life, a reminder of existence; and for the rest is a day a regular day in which they get to attend a significant but irregular number of phone calls from people who care and love them. What is it for you? Is it the best day of your life, do you like attention, do you seek comfort in people when they tell you they love you? Do you celebrate your life or run from it?

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