Fitness Madness Part III


You know I’m a fitness addict, and I wanted to show you this amazing tool to train anywhere, anytime. RIP Training is a lever bar with a resistance cord designed to provide core strengthening and stability, cardio endurance, balance, and control as a functional training device. It gives us the ability to perform better and easier our every day activities. It is perfect for traveling because you can take it in your bags and use it whenever you want to train. I really recommend it, and when you buy it, it comes with a series of exercises and complete workout routines so you can train easily. Today could be a good day to start working out!!!DSC_0007DSC_0026DSC_0014DSC_0042DSC_0047DSC_0049DSC_0050CSC_0219DSC_0006Hola!!! Ya saben que soy una adicta al ejercicio y es por esto que quiero enseñarles este aparato que pueden usarlo cuando sea y en donde sea. El RIP Training es un aparato compuesto de una barra atada a una liga de resistencia, es diseñado para proporcionar fuerza y estabilidad en el abdomen, equilibrio, resistencia y movilidad a través del entrenamiento funcional. Es excelente porque nos ayuda a hacer con más facilidad y de una mejor manera nuestras actividades de todos los días. Lo recomido ampliamente, si es que lo compran, en el mismo paquete vienen una serie de ejercicios y rutinas de entrenamiento con las que pueden empezar. ¡¡¡Hoy puede ser un buen día para comenzar a entrenar!!!! ¡¡Gracias por leer!!

I was wearing Lululemon pants and shirt, Nike shoes.


Nature at its Best!!


I know I know I’m sorry for not posting my Feeling Friday this past friday!!! There is simply no excuse, but I kind of hope you missed it. So maybe you read it maybe you don’t, maybe you learn maybe you don’t, maybe you like it maybe you don’t, but I am truly happy to share my life with you, the experiences I encounter and the inspirations I pursue. So thank you all again for reading!! I am in Dallas right now, my niece had her birthday party and we all came to visit and celebrate with her. Therefore I decided to dedicate this Feeling “Friday” (on Sunday) to her and my sister, and since it’s not a “common FF,” this will not be a common “FF post” it will be a true dedication. I am not a mom yet, but I thank my sister for giving me the opportunity to take care of my beautiful niece and share with me the amazing journey of being a mom. Today I can say to her: I respect your patience, I respect your enthusiasm, I admire your courage, and your ability to overcome whatever comes between your child dreams; you have become a woman worthy of admiration, you have followed what our greatest woman in our life has taught us: how to be the perfect woman, wife, and mother (of course our mom, who I have no words to express how I feel about her, but that will be in another Feeling Friday). You are an inspiration and a life example to me and to your daughter!!! So today on a Sunday (the “family day”), I am feeling HONORED to have in my life three extraordinary women and one more to come!! Happy Sunday everyone!!!
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They were wearing: J.Crew sweater, Ugg boots and 7 For All Mankind jeans.

Summer Pasta Anyone?!

Imagen 5 Imagen 2Imagen 4IMG_1509When I’m home I always try to eat healthy and make something fast and delicious. I want to show you some recipes that you can make at home in no time, but still look classy and gourmet. Pasta is one of my favorite things, you can combine it with almost everything and make a great impression, and it is good as a whole dish, you do not have to think of any other meal to make when cooking pasta.

The secret, I believe, to make it look good and gourmet, is the ingredients. Here I used different types of vegetables which provided different colors to the dish. When you want to make pasta an do not know with what, just think of ingredients that will provide different colors and textures to the dish, same goes with salads.

This pasta is very simple, easy, and fast, and it is made with local and seasonal ingredients (which is the best part). It only takes 20 minutes to make and here is the recipe:

Servings: 2   Time of preparation: 20 minutes    Difficulty: Easy


– 1 small clove of garlic

– 1 bulb of shallots (if you do not have shallots you can use onion, but shallots make it more gourmet and less tangy)

– 1 tbsp of olive oil

– 2 tbsp of white wine

– 2 medium green zucchinis

– 4 mushrooms

– 1/2 pound of non cooked whole wheat pasta (you can use regular pasta, but I like to keep it healthy and balanced)

– 10 pieces  of cherry tomatoes

– 1 can of kettle corn

Parmesan cheese (the amount you want)


1. Cook the pasta in boiling water with salt for 10 minutes or less, just until it is al dente, (sometimes whole wheat pasta takes more time to cook).

2. Mince the garlic and the shallots and add them to a skillet with the olive oil in medium heat.

3. Cut the mushrooms and the zucchini in relatively small pieces, add them to the garlic and shallots. Cook until soft but not washy, you do not want to make pure with the zucchini.

4. Cut the tomatoes in fourths and add them to the rest of the ingredients, as well as the corns. I add these at last because the corn does not need to be cooked, and I like the tomatoes in one piece and slightly firm.

5. Add the wine and let it reduce a little bit. Season the vegetables with salt, pepper, and dried oregano.

6. When the pasta is ready, add it directly to the vegetables and mix everything together. You do not need to add water or anything to the vegetables, the same juice that the vegetables release is the same juice you will use for the sauce.

7. After 1 minute, plate everything, serve, and add grated parmesan cheese.

Try this recipe with friends, or on a date, believe me it will not let you down. Let me know if you liked it. And remember to keep it local!

Cuando estoy en casa siempre trato de comer saludable y hacer algo rápido y delicioso. Quiero enseñarte recetas que puedes hacer en casa al instante, pero que también se vean elegantes y gourmets. La pasta es una de mis cosas favoritas, la puedes combinar con casi cualquier cosa y lograr una buena impresión. Además, lo bueno de la pasta es que es un platillo muy completo, no necesitas agregar ningún otro para hacer una gran comida.

Yo creo que el secreto, para que una pasta sea gourmet, está en los ingredientes. En esta receta, utilicé diferentes tipos de vegetales que brindan colores a la pasta. Cuando quieras hacer pasta y no se te ocurre con qué, solo piensa en ingredientes que ofrezcan colores y texturas diferentes al platillo, lo mismo va para las ensaladas.

Esta pasta es muy sencilla, simple y rápida, y lo mejor es que está hecha con ingredientes locales y frescos. Además sólo toma 20 minutos prepararla.

Rinde para: 2 personas      Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos     Dificultad: Fácil


– 1 Diente de ajo

– 1 chalote (si no tienes chalotes puedes usar cebolla, pero el chalote la hace mas gourmet y menos picante)

– 1 cda de aceite de oliva

– 2 cdas de vino blanco

– 2 calabazas medianas

– 4 champiñones

–  250 gr de pasta integral no cocida (puedes usar pasta regular, pero me gusta mantener la receta saludable y balanceada)

– 10 piezas de tomates cherry

– 1 lata de elote

– Queso parmesano al gusto


1. Cocinar la pasta en agua hirviendo con sal, durante 10 minutos o menos hasta que esté al dente (regularmente, la pasta integral toma más tiempo para cocinarse).

2. Picar el ajo y el chalote y agregarlos a un sartén con aceite de oliva en temperatura media.

3. Cortar las calabazas y los champiñones en pedazos relativamente pequeños y añadirlos al ajo y el chalote. Cocinar hasta que la calabaza esté suave pero no al punto de deshacerse, no querrás hacer puré con las calabazas.

4. Corta los tomates cherry en cuartos y agrégalos al resto de los vegetales, al igual que el elote. Añadí éstos hasta el final porque los elotes no necesitan cocinarse, y los tomates me gustan que queden un poco firmes, por lo que no necesitan mucho tiempo de cocción.

5. Agrega el vino blanco y déjalo reducir un poco, sazona los vegetales con sal, pimienta y orégano seco.

6. Cuando la pasta esté lista, agrégala directo a los vegetales y mezcla todos los ingredientes. No es necesario agregar agua o alguna otra cosa a los vegetales, éstos mismos a la hora de cocinarse liberan jugos, los cuales serán parte de la salsa.

7. Después de un minuto, sirve y añade queso parmesano rallado al gusto.

Prueba esta receta con tus amigos, o en una cita con tu pareja, créeme, no te fallará. Avísame si te gusta y recuerda: keep it local!